Evaluation of digitalisation impacts in the public sector: a case study in the state legislative branch
Electronic Information System, Digitalization, Innovation, Public administration, Legislative BranchAbstract
Objective: To analyse the impacts of implementing the Electronic Information System as an innovation in a Legislative Branch.
Originality/Value: There is a necessity for studies on the influence of specific innovation outcomes on public productions. Moreover, the focus on local governments and the healthcare sector leaves other areas, such as the Legislative Branch, underexplored.
Method: This is a case study with data collected through semi-structured interviews, documentary research, and participant observation, analysed through qualitative content analysis and data triangulation.
Results: Impacts on efficiency, effectiveness, information quality, improvements in intra/intersectoral coordination and cooperation, organizational control, relationships with citizens, businesses, and other public bodies, and increased domain and job satisfaction were highlighted.
Conclusion: The study demonstrates significant impacts generated by SEI implementation beyond internal realms, underscoring the importance of digital transformation in public administration. Thus, it contributes to consolidating the national policy on electronic process management and guides governance actions towards better performance.
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