Managerial innovation as a result of collaboration between consolidated company and startups
Managerial Innovation, Collaborative Innovation, Innovation Ecosystem, Startup, Consolidated CompanyAbstract
Purpose: to analyze the collaborative relationship between consolidated company and startups focused on managerial innovation.
Originality: non-technological innovation has become a contributing factor to the performance of organizations, especially in innovation environments (Damanpour, 2014; Su et al.; 2018, Angelidou et al., 2022).
Method: with a qualitative approach, it was a case study with data collection through documentary research and semi-structured interviews with representatives of the local innovation ecosystem, the consolidated company and startups, subsequently made a content analysis.
Results: the relationship between companies has brought gains, with managerial innovation being one of them through: the local innovation ecosystem that generates a cooperative environment and proximity between different companies; of actions of the consolidated company for training and monitoring of startups, being inspiration and support; the agile and flexible nature of startups that quickly implement ideas, being a laboratory for the consolidated company; of the recursive nature of the relationship between them generating an upward spiral of shared knowledge and experience.
Conclusion: It is possible to create managerial innovation from collaborative relationships, in an environment that encourages interaction between different agents.
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