Student satisfaction with the academic experience: the pandemic versus the return to presential
Satisfaction with student academic experience, Higher education, Pandemia da COVID-19Abstract
Purpose: To analyze the perception of satisfaction with the academic experience of students who participated in remote pedagogical activities as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, comparing it with the return to face-to-face activities.
Originality/value: The research is relevant as the results indicate the need for change in the Higher Education Institution's (HEI) teaching offering strategy, which can result in student loyalty.
Method: The research conducted is characterized as descriptive, transversal, with a quantitative approach, with participants being 81 students from an HEI in the State of São Paulo. The Perceived Academic Satisfaction Scale by Schleich et al. (2006), composed of three dimensions: satisfaction with the course, development opportunity and satisfaction with the HEI. The analysis was carried out using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test and the Wilcoxon test for the difference between means of matched pairs.
Results: The study demonstrates that there is no relevant statistical difference in the perception of satisfaction with the academic experience by students when comparing online teaching, which took place during the COVID-19 pandemic, and in-person teaching, after the end of the global health crisis. However, the majority of students (77.8%) want a change in the teaching format currently offered by the HEI, after experiencing a digital transformation (DT), albeit incipient, in teaching.
Conclusion: The present study contributes to the theory in that it reports a driving factor for the adoption of DT that was not included in the literature review on the topic. The research improves understanding of the metrics to be used by organizations, in line with the theoretical lens on which it is based, which proposes the use of indicators capable of capturing customers' feelings regarding a DT.
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