Digital entrepreneurship in the brazilian banking sector: analysis based on the emergence of fintechs
Banking institutions, Digital entrepreneurship, Fintechs, IsomorphismAbstract
Purpose: To analyze the changes that have occurred in traditional Brazilian banking institutions towards digital entrepreneurship, as a result of the emergence of fintechs.
Originality/Value: To understand how digital entrepreneurship is influenced in traditional Brazilian banking institutions from the emergence of fintechs.
Methods: The research is qualitative, with a multiple case analysis of the three largest Brazilian banking institutions, based on data collected through interviews and secondary data analysis.
Results: The study presents a framework of digital entrepreneurship resources and factors, consolidated in the literature and evaluated in practice, allowing institutions to understand how fintechs influence the advancement of digital entrepreneurship in the banking sector.
Conclusions: The study revealed the factors that exerted the greatest influence on the advancement of digital entrepreneurship from the emergence of fintechs from the institutional isomorphism perspective. The study observed the migration of almost all products and services to digital means, and in relation to institutional theory, identified the presence of institutional forces in traditional banking institutions, in coercive, mimetic, and normative movements.
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