Loop, virtualization and exchange: operations management practices in the brazilian packaging chain
Circular Economy, Solid waste, PackagingAbstract
Objective: this work aimed to analyze the capacity of the Brazilian packaging chain to promote the creation of circuits (loop), virtualization and exchange between participants.
Method: this research is considered qualitative, applied and descriptive. The case study collected data through documentary research and in-depth interviews with a semi-structured script. 53 (fifty-three) stakeholders from the packaging chain were interviewed, including prosecutors, politicians, businessmen, collectors, specialists, civil servants and representatives of non-governmental organizations. For data analysis, content analysis of the thematic categorical type was used.
Results: Manufacturers' insistence on using materials that they do not accept in the recycling market illustrates the problem with Loop. Even though the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated virtualization practices, such as “digitization of activities and processes” and “product improvement and periodic maintenance”, most of respondents claim that they do not exist or do not perceive it to have occurred in the Brazilian scenario. Although some companies are concerned about technologies, the 4.0 scenario with big data or machine learning is far from being a reality in Brazil.
Final considerations: the present study brings theoretical and practical contributions that can be extracted from the results of this research. It is expected that these findings serve as guidelines in the decision-making process in the reverse packaging logistics system. To academics, demonstrate the application of a framework already consolidated in the area for investigating socio-environmental practices, in addition to instigating gaps left for further research.
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