How does training contribute to organizational innovation? New research avenues
Training, Innovation, Systematic literature review, Organizational innovationAbstract
Purpose: In this study the aim is to propose a research agenda about how training activities contribute to organizational innovation results, based on an integrative and systematic review of a scientifically relevant literature portfolio.
Methodology/approach: Based on relevant literature selected after applying Methodi Ordinatio structured protocol, a state of knowledge systematic literature review was carried out on studies about the relationship between training activities and organizational innovation. Theoretical and methodological content categories were analyzed comprising articles published in databases indexed on Portal de Periódicos da CAPES.
Originality/value: After systematic reviewing relevant literature about the relationship between training effects and organizational innovation, this study proposes new research avenues focusing to address identified state of knowledge research gaps. These new research possibilities can guide advancements on the field by contributing for better phenomenon comprehension.
Findings: The studies analyzed are primarily based on measures focused on the organizational level and predominantly quantitative. The most used data source were perceptual measures compared with econometric data focused on organizational results, and training effects were measured only on a post-fact transversal approach.
Theoretical and methodological contributions: New relevant research avenues based on state of knowledge research gaps are presented, aiding the field to advance. The use of Methodi Ordinatio structured protocol contributes to methodologically advance in this kind of research by supporting the selection of relevant bibliographic portfolio.
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