Project capabilities in industry 4.0: future research opportunities in project management
Industry 4.0, Innovation, Capabilities, Collaboration, Project management.Abstract
Purpose: Industry 4.0 is transforming companies around the world through business integration, implemented by disruptive technologies, and accompanied by the transformation of data into information and intelligence. This research aims to explore literature about capabilities and project management, in the context of industry 4.0 manufactures, to identify research opportunities in project management.
Methodology / Approach: A Systematic Literature Review (SLR) analyzed 55 articles discussing project capabilities developed by industry 4.0 manufactures.
Originality / Value: This study fills a research gap, as no literature review has reported state of the art knowledge about project capabilities in the context of industry 4.0.
Findings: Project capabilities were summarized in six perspectives: project management, business models, innovation, skills of project professionals, technologies, and data management. Project management surfaces as a structural capability to implement industry 4.0. Besides, collaboration among parties amalgamates companies in new business models, as well as project professionals and teams while they implement new processes, products, and technologies.
Theoretical implications: This study uncovers opportunities for future research related to customer and data-centered business transformations of industry 4.0, including how to manage projects in collaborative business networks and implement fast-paced innovation.
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