Interorganizational cooperation in strategic artificial intelligence plans: a comparative analysis.
Artificial Intelligence, Interorganizational Cooperation, National Strategies, Public SectorAbstract
Objective: To investigate the types of interorganizational cooperation present in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) strategies implemented by Brazil, the United States, and the European Union.
Originality/Value: The study highlighted a multidisciplinary approach to understanding AI, focusing on interorganizational cooperation, an area underexplored in the literature dominated by computer science.
Methods: This is an explanatory, descriptive, qualitative, and documentary research, utilizing content analysis to explore the strategies.
Results: A predominance of multi-actor cooperation in AI strategies, with less frequent mentions of exclusive collaborations among members of the same sector. The public sector's role in adopting and promoting AI is emphasized.
Conclusions: The research underscores the importance of multi-actor partnerships and the active role of the public sector in AI strategies. Methodological challenges indicate the need for more objective methods of content analysis in future studies and expanded analysis of national AI strategies.
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