Artisanal mining and environmental frameworks in the amazon: case study of eldorado do juma for the proposal of public policies
Public policy, Environmental law, Illegal mining, Artisanal gold mining, AmazonAbstract
Purpose: Proposal of public policies for gold mining in the Amazon.
Methodology: This is a case study of artisanal gold mining in Eldorado do Juma. A document analysis was carried out of existing legislation, considering the proliferation of similar cases in the Amazon Rainforest and the environmental and social harm caused by irregular and illegal mining. Data observed by field research are also presented, including semi-structured interviews with those involved in artisanal mining.
Main results: The proposal of six public policies emerging from the case study and the discussion about legislation presented throughout the text. These proposals aim to mitigate the damage caused by gold mining in similar areas to Eldorado do Juma. Furthermore, the research seeks to identify possible gaps and failures of legislation that could be alleviated by generating public policy capable of minimizing or curbing harmful practices.
Relevance/originality: This is a little reported situation in academic work, especially with this level of specificity and depth, involving field research in a difficult to reach area, and with interviews with actors directly involved in artisanal mining.
Methodological and theoretical contributions: Contribution to the study of legislation governing mining in the Amazon and the development of a case study method based on semi-structured interviews.
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