Coffee commodity differentiation strategies
Differentiation, Commodity, Coffee, StrategyAbstract
Objective: The objective of this study is to identify potential value generation strategies to differentiate the coffee commodity.
Method: The method consisted of an instrumental case study, through semi-structured interviews with representatives of the entire coffee production chain. The data obtained were analyzed using Tropes, categorized and analyzed in Excel and used to produce a cognitive map that represented the relationships between the results.
Main results: There was a gap between what the producer and the consumer think and a greater alignment of roasters, coffee shops and points of sale with the desires of the former.
Relevance/originality: The commercialization of coffee as a commodity made the producer vulnerable to sudden market price fluctuations, creating the need for a strategic alternative to differentiate and generate value. This work contributes to bringing a direction to guide producers on how to differentiate their products in the face of the new realities of the world coffee market.
Theoretical/methodological contributions: This work identified that there is a divergence in relation to the perception of value between the producer and the final consumer that points out as quality characteristics the good taste, strong coffee and the brand. Today, the roaster is primarily responsible for generating value for the product, by linking the wishes of the customer to the producer. To differentiate their products, the producer would need to assume a position closer to the final customer, verticalizing its operation and better understanding the wishes of the final customer.
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