Influences of Intermediation of Support Institutions on Innovativeness and Organizational Performance




Innovativeness, Support Institutions, Organizational Performance, Non-redundant contacts, Intermediation


Purpose: Identify the influence of relationships with support institutions on innovativeness and organizational performance.

Theoretical framework: The innovation intermediaries are organizations that act as a link between those involved in the innovation process and whose purpose is to develop the innovative aspects of organizations. Although studies have pointed out the importance of relationships with support institutions for the development of innovation, the present study investigated the role of these institutions as intermediary actors in the innovation process.

Design/methodology/approach: A systematic literature review was conducted. The Methodi Ordinatio Index was used as a protocol. In order to identify the most central theoretical approaches in the studies, as well to map the interactions between these approaches, the Social Network Analysis - SNA technique was used.

Findings: The relationship with support institutions increases access to non-redundant contacts; these, in its turn, influence innovativeness. The performance of these actors as intermediaries will only influence innovativeness in the circumstances in which the idiosyncrasy of these institutions does not prevent or makes impossible access to non-redundant contacts.

Originality/value: The study contributed with literature from the fields of interorganizational relations, innovation and strategy by identifying the theoretical approaches in which the role of innovation support organizations is inserted, as well as by identifying the influence for access to non-redundant contacts, relevant to the innovation process; in addition, theoretical propositions and a research agenda are presented.


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Como Citar

Sousa, P. H. R. de, Reyes Junior, E., & Lora, V. del C. (2021). Influences of Intermediation of Support Institutions on Innovativeness and Organizational Performance. Future Studies Research Journal: Trends and Strategies [FSRJ], 13(1), 1–27.


